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Photo of Zheng, Yuebing
Office Location: ETC 9.104

Yuebing Zheng


Cullen Trust for Higher Education Endowed Professorship in Engineering #4

Department Research Areas:
Advanced Materials Science and Engineering
Biomechanical and Biomedicine Engineering
Clean Energy Technology
Nano and Micro-scale Engineering
Robotics and Intelligent Mechanical Systems
Thermal Fluids Systems and Transport Phenomena

Yuebing Zheng received his Ph.D. in Engineering Science and Mechanics (with Prof. Tony Jun Huang) from The Pennsylvania State University in 2010. He was a postdoctoral researcher (with Prof. Paul S. Weiss) at the University of California, Los Angeles from 2010 to 2013. His research group innovate optical nanotechnologies for health, life sciences, national security, energy, and manufacturing. Their mission is to (1) advance fundamental understanding and control of light-matter interactions in complex nanosystems, (2) develop and apply optically active materials, devices and tools to advance fundamental knowledge and applications in targeted fields, and (3) promote interdisciplinary trainings for students to understand and contribute to the multiple fields of engineering, science, and medicine. They have been awarded the 2019 University Co-op Research Excellence Award for Best Paper, 2019 Department of Defense DURIP Award, 2018 Materials Today Rising Star Award from Elsevier Ltd, 2017 NIH Director’s New Innovator Award, the 2017 NASA Early Career Faculty Award, the 2017 ONR Young Investigator Award, and the 2014 Beckman Young Investigator Award. Yuebing is a Fellow of the Institute of Physics, a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry, and a Senior Member of the Optical Society of America.

Most Recent Publications
  1. L. Lin, M. Wang, X. Peng, E. N. Lissek, Z. Mao, L. Scarabelli, E. Adkins, S. Coskun, H. E. Unalan, B. A. Korgel, L. M. Liz-Marzán, E. L. Florin, and Y. B. Zheng, “Opto-Thermoelectric Nanotweezers,” Nature Photonics (2018) DOI: 10.1038/s41566-018-0134-3.
  2. B. B. Rajeeva, Z. Wu, A. Briggs, P. Acharya, B. S. Walker, X. Peng, V. Bahadur, S. R. Bank, and Y. B. Zheng, ““Point-and-Shoot” Synthesis of Metallic Ring Arrays and Surface-Enhanced Optical Spectroscopy,” Advanced Optical Materials (2018) DOI: 10.1002/adom.201701213.
  3. Z. Wu and Y. B. Zheng, “Moiré Metamaterials and Metasurfaces,” Advanced Optical Materials 6 (2018) 1701057. Featured as Inside Cover Article.
  4. L. Lin, J. Zhang, X. Peng, Z. Wu, A. C. H. Coughlan, Z. Mao, M. A. Bevan, and Y. B. Zheng, “Opto-Thermophoretic Assembly of Colloidal Matter,” Science Advances 3 (2017) e1700458.
  5. L. Lin, X. Peng, Z. Mao, X. Wei, C. Xie, and Y. B. Zheng, “Interfacial-Entropy-Driven Thermophoretic Tweezers,” Lab on a Chip 17 (2017) 3061-3070.
  6. M. Wang, G. Hartmann, Z. Wu, L. Scarabelli, B. B. Rajeeva, L. Liz-Marzan, G. S. Hwang, and Y. B. Zheng, “Controlling Plasmon-Enhanced Fluorescence via Intersystem Crossing in Photoswitchable Molecules,” Small (2017) 1701763. Featured as Frontispiece Article.
  7. L. Lin, X. Peng, and Y. B. Zheng, “Reconfigurable Opto-Thermoelectric Printing of Colloidal Particles,” Chemical Communications 53 (2017) 7375-7360.
  8. Z. Wu and Y. B. Zheng, “Moiré Chiral Metamaterials,” Advanced Optical Materials 5 (2017) 1700034. Featured as Inside Front Cover Article.
  9. L. Lin, X. Peng, X. Wei, Z. Mao, C. Xie, and Y. B. Zheng, “Thermophoretic Tweezers for Low-Power and Versatile Manipulation of Biological Cells,” ACS Nano 11 (2017) 3147-3154.
  10. L. Lin, M. Wang, X. Wei, X. Peng, C. Xie, and Y. B. Zheng, “Photoswitchable Rabi Splitting in Hybrid Plasmon-Waveguide Modes,” Nano Letters 16 (2016) 7655-7663.